Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Touching Moment (à la Brokeback Mountain)

Steve & Tibor

I need to get out more

Tibor, Elizabeth, Kristy, Eric, Kristin & Suzy

Where's Kristy?

Tibor, Elizabeth, Kristy, Eric & Suzy (across everyone's laps)

(Poor, Poor Kristy)

One Lucky Man

Karen, Tibor, Elisabeth & Kristy

(How Tibor got so lucky we'll never know)


A romantic moment thanks to Jay and Denise

The Coolest People There

Celine & Eric

The Political Powerhouse

Jay and his girl Denise

(It's important to note that Denise is the one that holds all the power (as well as being the good looking in the relationship))

Saying Goodbye

As usual Mike being his lovely self.

Two of the hottest guys there

Jay and Mike

(Other hot guys in attendance Steve (of course), Jerry (Smoking hot), Eric (Words can't describe), Antonio (I guess), and Tibor (just being polite). I have this awful feeling I'm forgetting someone)

I don't know why he's in so many pictures

Jay and Stephanie

A Superstar (in my eyes anyway)

K-ron (on the right) and her friend Alycia (spelling uncertain)

Grandpa Joe

For every family event in the history of our family I've always had the same spot on the right hand side of my grandfather. There are no words in the English language to explain how much I love this man.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Last Time I Saw Justin

(Hopefully, there'll be better pics next time)

The most beautiful girl in the world

(Need I say more?)

My window in Trinidad

Whenever I visit my grandparents in Trinidad I get the same room. So when I wake up every morning and look out the window this is my view.

I love it here!

My grandparents and some other investor own this land along the coast in Trinidad. It was formerly a plantation (I don't remember what kind). I love being there. It's such a quiet, beautiful spot.

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

(Again, this picture could get me in some big trouble, so lets not mention it to anyone)

DECA in D.C.

(Truly a game of Where's Waldo?)

Daddy's Girl

(And I always thought he was lying when he said he USED TO BE good looking)

My Baby Bro

Ever seen a cuter baby boy?

(He's going to kill me for this so please don't mention it)

Baby bro and I

(First few days in Canada)

Here I am!

Rocking the jogging suit

(Years before it even became cool)

Notice the smile

(I've had that mischievous smile since birth)

Santa and I

(It kills me that Santa is a black guy with white face makeup)

Never had a chance!

(See I was trained to be a phone addict)

Me and my pool (Trinidad)

(It should be wrong to be so gorgeous at such a young age)